Soft tissue strains, sprains and tears are the number one reason Americans miss work and the number one reason an American is permanently disabled. 55%-62% of OSHA recordable injuries are of the soft tissue resulting in a staggering annual cost of over $400 billion. USA fast food is only a $137 billion industry. This Keynote addresses the 10 primary ergonomic (strain/sprain) risk factors and teaches how to identify and mitigate them. We want to help you relentlessly pursue a Pain Free/ Injury Free workforce. Musculoskeletal injuries and disorders of the Neck, Back, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Knee, and Foot will be addressed.
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I would recommend Bruce to any organization that is interested in reducing soft tissue injuries and the corresponding workers compensation insurance costs.
Wayne Thomas, Corporate Safety, Blazers Arena ProjectSince completing the joint injury prevention training, Hoffman has experienced a dramatic drop in workers compensation costs ($.29 per man down to $.09)... The bottom line question to the foreman, "Was it worth the time and money?" Without exception, every foreman's response was positive and enthusiastic.
Brian Clarke, Corporate Safety Director, Hoffman Constructionhoffmancorp.comYour training has had fantastic results. We have experienced a decrease of over $220,000 of workers compensation costs last year. Our injury frequency has also decreased by 54% this year. Our lost work days have gone from 401 to 60.
Jeffrey Parsons, Corporate Safety Director, SYSCO