This is part three of our three part series on the Root Cause of injuries. We want to help identify injury Root Cause and ways of adaptation so we can drastically reduce workplace injuries!
Part 3
In part one, we discussed load exceeding capacity causing injury to occur. Part two covered adaptation. In our example, calluses developed by conditioning the skin is a form of adaptation. In the workplace, we can use various exercises, stretching and other techniques to help workers be “Fit for Duty.”
Based on these facts and if we desire an injury free work force, organizations must commit to a process for workers involving pre-work exercise protocols that mimic the specific demands of the job functions to gradually increase the load bearing capacity of workers. At Sports Therapy, we implement, together with our clients, specific exercises routines, stretching and other pre-work and post work programs to help workers become ‘fit for duty”. This is increasing capacity!
In concert with this we work to reduce structural loads on workers through applying Personal Protective Equipment, Ergonomic load reducers and teaching workers to employ correct biomechanics and preferred work methods. This is reducing load!
Returning to where we began; we can avoid blisters caused from raking by either developing calluses, (Increasing Capacity) or by putting on gloves (Reducing Load). In the workplace, we help our client companies increase capacity and reduce load thereby greatly reducing on the job injuries, increasing productivity and minimizing costs associated with workplace injury.
Please contact us if you are looking to improve worker safety and reduce the human and financial cost of injuries at [email protected]. Please also visit