Many of us suffer from chronic back pain. Most often this is preventable. Here are three easy steps to reduce back pain:
1. Lift with your legs. When you pick something up, bend at the knees not the waist. Then reach down, back straight and stand up…this is the correct way to lift things!
2. Stretch your hamstrings. Sitting on a bench or a step, one leg straight out on the bench, one bent with foot flat on the floor. Keeping your back straight, lean over the leg on the bench, hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg.
3. Strengthen your core with the following simple routine. Lay on the floor, knees at a 90 degree angle, do 20-40 crunches. Next, (pointer dog) kneel on the floor. Extend one hand out in front of your head and opposite leg straight out and up, toe pulled in, hold for 2 seconds and repeat with opposite. Do 12-20 per side.
Doing these simple things will vastly improve your back health. If you have an injury, slipped disc, bulging disc, see your doctor before trying the exercises or lifting anything!
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